I have a new laptop with the ability to connect to any unsecured wireless

I have a new laptop with the ability to connect to any unsecured wireless

I have a new laptop with the ability to connect to any unsecured wireless Internet hot spot (e.g., at Starbucks). Is it ethical for me to connect to ANY free connection, even if I don't know whose it is, or if I suspect that it belongs to someone who is unaware that I am using it? On the one hand, the question seems to be, "just because my neighbor goes out and leaves his house unlocked, that does not give me the right to enter it without his permission." On the other hand, the wireless signal is in MY house, without asking for my consent, so why shouldn't I feel free to use it, since my neighbor sent it there? I realize that the legal answer to this question is all over the map, with some localities arresting people and others refusing to prosecute. I am only really concerned with the moral arguments for and against this.

Read another response by Oliver Leaman
Read another response about Ethics